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"Let me take your coat, stranger. Let me have your heart. There is no kingdom you couldn't conquer, no monstrous battle you wouldn't survive. I'll be your host and saviour, to beg and to transform you, as though you're words on paper, unfolding into tales unworthy of one's trust."


"In dreams our souls are forged by fire, unbound, held together by gears and golden thread. They stay concealed as unspoken wonders, their wings beating against the bent edges of their prisons. Like birdsong at the core of winter, they wait for our delight.

In dreams, we answer to their call."

"I catch myself thinking it again; to be bereaved of inspiration is a death more heartrending than the deprivation of life, and I hope it is the latter that comes first."

- The Painter Upstairs.

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Dear reader,
Here is a list of reminders before you proceed:
- Creatures of the forest are not your friends.
- The Girl that Lingers won't stop asking for your heart unless you can prove that you don't have one.
- Madame Skymourne's museum is only open during summer rainstorms. 
- If your soul is bound to the space between the realms, do not scream in wild despair. Instead, listen closely for the melody of a cello.  


"Eat me, drink me, love me. Laura, make much of me: for your sake I have braved the den and had to do with goblin merchant men."

Christina Rossetti, Goblin Market

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